Mobile laser scanning
Mobile laser scanning is the most efficient way to capture various industrial environments as 3D models
Unlike stationary laser scanning, mobile laser scanning measures the environment in motion. Because of this, it is up to 10 times faster than regular laser scanning. It's possible to collect data from an area of up to 20,000 square meters in a day. Since the mobile laser scanner can move more freely through the environment, the resulting data also has fewer blind spots.
And what about accuracy? When the data is tied to a coordinate system, the accuracy of the model produced with our NavVis VLX device is in the centimeter range. The point density is 5-10 millimeters. The NavVis VLX can also take high-quality 360-panoramic photos simultaneously with scanning.
Mobile laser scanning is used for the same purposes as regular laser scanning. However, due to its agility, it proves to be an excellent method for the following:
Cost-effective base data for projects
Mobile laser scanning captures the base data for production facility modification projects very quickly and efficiently. We have found the method to be effective in numerous extensive projects.
The data can be delivered in almost all the same formats as from stationary laser scanning.
Construction site or production facility monitoring
Mobile laser scanning is so cost-effective that you can use it for regular monitoring of the construction site or production facility situation. You can almost in real-time monitor the progress of the work implementation and compare it to the plans.
We produce the necessary data for our clients to immediately see the differences between the plan and the implementation. Do you notice in the image that the plans include an extra pipe or one that hasn't been installed, ladders are not installed, and foundations are in the wrong place?
Reality Twin™ – The digital twin for asset management
Mobile laser scanning is the fastest way to create a realistic 3D model of a production facility. When information from other information systems is linked to the factory model, the result is an up-to-date, understandable, and easily communicated situational picture for the use of all functions of the production facility.