Senior full-stack developer
We are hiring! SolidComp Reality Twin™ SolidComp Reality Twin™ acts as a ”window into the factory,” merging 3D scans, 3D designs, 360 images, and asset information into a single visual …
We are hiring! SolidComp Reality Twin™ SolidComp Reality Twin™ acts as a ”window into the factory,” merging 3D scans, 3D designs, 360 images, and asset information into a single visual …
SolidComp has successfully completed its first export project to Sweden in collaboration with a local partner. This project is part of our internationalization strategy, aiming to expand our operations primarily within the Nordic countries.
Welcome to SolidComp Oy's FinnMateria booth B457 to learn more about our services and software solutions designed to advance digitalization in the mining industry.
SolidComp Oy on kuopiolainen, vuonna 2011 perustettu teollisen ympäristön digitalisoitumiseen erikoistunut yritys ja insinööritoimisto. Olemme tekemässä transformaatiota perinteisestä palveluliiketoiminnasta ohjelmistokeskeiseen bisnekseen, mikä on mahdollistanut asiakkaillemme entistä enemmän lisäarvoa ja parempaa …
In this article, we present the benefits of Reality Twin™ in the dialogue between a production facility and contractors. The main characters of the article are Pertti and Heimo, maintenance managers working in different factories.
Jos haluat löytää esimerkiksi tiettyä lämmönsiirrintä, putkilinjaa tai venttiiliä koskevat dokumentit, tarvitset sitä koskevan laitetunnuksen. Jos et muista laitetunnusta, sinun täytyy etsiä se PI-kaaviosta. Kuinka tällaista tiedonhakua voitaisiin nopeuttaa? Tässä …
You've heard that there are extensive laser scanning data sets for your production facility, but have you used them yourself? In this article, we'll show you how data collection should be conducted to ensure you get the maximum return from laser scanning.
What are the cornerstones of maintaining a successful production facility's 3D model? How are valuable 3D and laser scanning models put to work in all functions of the production facility? To answer these questions, we are starting a four-part "What is Reality Twin™?" series.
Kuopio-based company dedicated to industrial digitalization, SolidComp Oy, will release the digital twin of a production facility, Reality Twin™, on Monday, March 4, 2024. The company solves problems faced by industrial enterprises daily.
SolidComp strengthens its executive board with three external members. By enhancing the wide expertise of the company the board creates fruitful grounds for profitable growth.